Fuck him and fuck the “but the man shaped his kids into the superstars they became”.
this was the Studio 54 principle at play
Fela was awesome and I listen to his stuff all the time.
True, but I work at The Root. It’s literally my job to not only talk about racism etc, but also to call out black people when they are wrong as fuck too. Which is what I was doing in the Ben Carson tweet that nobody cared about until Roseanne got fired.
This is such BS. I’ve worked with Colangelo. He would never do this. Would a man with such normal collars even think to do this? He’s a class act.
“Maybe they should give it another shot.”
Isaiah Thomas shouldn’t have started his rehab with this drill.
“When they go low, we go high”
Nah, fuck this guy.
My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.
The Root: “The Beckys can’t get any Beckier.”
Call it, sure. But show me in the rulebook where that is a bookable offense.
I am a white woman so I probably shouldn’t comment on this
You also know his momma is at work right now answering the question: “How is your son?” with and long sigh and then...
My answer for the Stones’ five best songs will be different if you ask me again an hour from now, but right now I’d go “Waiting on a Friend,” “Let’s Spend the Night Together,” “Paint It Black,” “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” and “Dead Flowers.”
Well, whatever. I still think the beheading of Bill Goldberg took things a step too far.
We will have to come up with a “140.4" car decal now as well.