I can’t wait to check this out; I like the tone around it so far - a certain solemnity.
I can’t wait to check this out; I like the tone around it so far - a certain solemnity.
“...and Ole Miss athletic director Ross Bjork were dishonest...”
That’s a real punch to the face right there.
Good fucking riddance to the most disingenuous-ass Speaker of the House in American history. History will remember him for what he was: a sniveling as little bitch who let an orange menace raw-dog him in front of God and country for a corporate tax scam and to be able to fuck over the elderly, the poor, and people of…
I just found out what blerd and werd means, and wow those are some awkward sounding terms.
So, I have a pretty sweet interracial marriage. We’re both gamers, pop culture loving, ride or die nerds that go to all the comic-cons within a 500 mile radious.
Including using the words “blerd” and “werd”. Stop that.
“Why the hell would someone complain about being prevented from going into a basement?”
Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…
You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.
I’m a middle-aged white guy who works in campgrounds and has camped my whole life. I know this is anecdotal, but I have definitely noticed a rise in black visitors over the years. It’s probably just me being a moron who has fallen for a stereotype, but I get really happy when I see black children spending time…
If he is 20, I would advise him to go straight to college. I would tell him, don’t go back to Rockville and waste another year.
The accomplishment has held up, too: more than three times as many people have since summited Everest as have run a four-minute mile.
“But it does offer a non-New Yorker’s perspective, and in food writing, it’d be nice to have more of that.”
Fans in Brooklyn usually see the Nets cut down most nights around 7:30 or so.
The Heat should just make those sweet Miami Vice alternate jerseys permanent.
Hey Man, I’m not saying I eat it, I’m just saying it’s an option.
Frank: “It’s not paint! It’s a magical sheath which simulates a dazzling head of hair.”