
I can’t wait to check this out; I like the tone around it so far - a certain solemnity.

“...and Ole Miss athletic director Ross Bjork were dishonest...”

That’s a real punch to the face right there.

Good fucking riddance to the most disingenuous-ass Speaker of the House in American history. History will remember him for what he was: a sniveling as little bitch who let an orange menace raw-dog him in front of God and country for a corporate tax scam and to be able to fuck over the elderly, the poor, and people of

I just found out what blerd and werd means, and wow those are some awkward sounding terms.

So, I have a pretty sweet interracial marriage. We’re both gamers, pop culture loving, ride or die nerds that go to all the comic-cons within a 500 mile radious.

Including using the words “blerd” and “werd”. Stop that.

“Why the hell would someone complain about being prevented from going into a basement?”

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

Starred for doing your research and citing it properly.

You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.

I’m a middle-aged white guy who works in campgrounds and has camped my whole life. I know this is anecdotal, but I have definitely noticed a rise in black visitors over the years. It’s probably just me being a moron who has fallen for a stereotype, but I get really happy when I see black children spending time

If he is 20, I would advise him to go straight to college. I would tell him, don’t go back to Rockville and waste another year.

The accomplishment has held up, too: more than three times as many people have since summited Everest as have run a four-minute mile.

“But it does offer a non-New Yorker’s perspective, and in food writing, it’d be nice to have more of that.”

Fans in Brooklyn usually see the Nets cut down most nights around 7:30 or so.

The Heat should just make those sweet Miami Vice alternate jerseys permanent.

Hey Man, I’m not saying I eat it, I’m just saying it’s an option.


Frank: “It’s not paint! It’s a magical sheath which simulates a dazzling head of hair.”