
We hear it all the time on the Gawk-modo sites... Wefare and SS fraud don’t exist, at least not to any real degree. The whole “welfare queen” thing is just a myth... So yeah, someone here has actually said that quite a few times, just not on this article... Yet.

Well, maybe don’t commit fraud, and you won’t get talked about? I dunno...

asking wypipo to stop being white is silly

Blue Lives Matter people would be out here making comments but yet they are silent now.

Your average Floridian Republican can’t even read

eliminate tipped wages


Um... Racism’s actual definition, according to the actual dictionary, is:

He looks white, so the appropriate response (according to The Root) would be something along the lines of “fuck wypipo.”

Yeah, in the same way KickAss was saying that if you get beat up, you’ll lose feeling of pain and can become a super hero.

To be fair, with the amount of handicap parking in front of most stores, we get pretty good exercise having to park so far away from the store.

Yeah, it’s kinda like how some school district in, I think, Wisconsin banned the book James & the Giant Peach because it used the word “ass” a few times, and at some point, the author described a spider licking its lips.

When they make up roughly 75% of the population, statistically, most anything is going to be a white person.

friends of no-color

Not saying the did or didn’t tip... But, nearly everywhere I go gives you two copies of the receipt, both of which have a line for tipping. One is for the merchant, and one is for the customer. I’ll often write the tip on one, and forget to grab the other one for my records.

Huh... Seems as though, on an article regarding racism, you have no problem being racist yourself. How about we all stop being part of the problem and refrain from using racist words?


But not everyone can hear either. We need the vegetable dye writing (sign language too), the speaker, and braille. These all also need to be in multiple languages. Sure, the cookie won’t taste very good after all that, but it keeps ya safe!

First off, fuck the NRA. I have no love for that group.

I don’t want to go anywhere that smells like Afrosheen, crack, and drive-bys.. Guess I’ll stay out of the blacks-only nightclubs, huh?