Drunk white people love Drake...
Drunk white people love Drake...
You’re comparing lightning to guns? If we’re going that route, according to the National Safety Council, and the National Center for Health Statistics, you’re more likely to die by:
Holy SHIT! You guys will complain about something that a right-leaning person does, but be silent when a left-leaning person does the same exact god damned thing!
Alright, let’s forget Chicago then, and switch the focus to a city I’m very familiar with.. Plano, TX. There was a horrible heroin epidemic some years ago, and seemed to almost make a comeback within the past couple of years. Back in the late 90's-early 00's, high school kids were dropping like flies.
Don’t forget, this applies to clothing, music, and food as well. Apparently, we all just need to stay in our lane and not progress at all. Like you said, that’s being “progressive!”
It’s because we need to be open to, mingle with, and accept other cultures. But dammit, keep them segregated at all costs. Cultures CANNOT mix. Like, at all. Doing so instantly ruins all history of that culture, which means you need to be called out, fired from your job, and socially shamed out of existence.
Ah... Assuming someone’s race based on a comment. Good job being a racist there. Also, you should really learn proper capitalization and punctuation. It may just help you land that dream job one day.
I’m more center/right, but am probably seen as a fascist Nazi by some around here.. I’m bored at work, so I’ll give your questions a shot...
Luckily, people from the country just south of us are coming here in droves, so there should be plenty of room for you down there! Let us know how you still think the US is garbage after you live down south of the border for a bit.
Yep... Nothing like spouting racist shit in a comment about a racist article.
Black men don’t stay around for their kid to be born and take care of it.
Alright... Being white myself, who tries to be as equal as one can in their treatment of others, please tell me.... Why am I the problem?
Eh.. Shouldn’t there be three types, with the 3rd being: Someone who would like to educate you about the difference?
No outrage here, but you do know that your words pretty much define you as a straight up racist/bigot, right? Why be part of the problem, instead of part of the solution?
calling a spade a spade
Yeah... Ever been white, and trying to tell black people what’s wrong with the “black community?”
Still as racist as the lady that’s doing blackface in the pic above, I see...
And we expect nothing less than the racist garbage that comes out of your mouth.
So, you’re saying cops need to start killing about .001% of the white people they interact with? That’s roughly the percentage of black people they end up killing...