Hmm... I dunno, you tell me...
some mayonnaise eatin’ ass, cracker ass crackers
Seriously... It’s people like KKK members, white supremacists, Nazis, and people like you, that are fucking up this great country. You want to fight fire with fire? Alright then...
Well, we could start by comparing the number of guns in those other countries with the number of shootings. In the US, it equals roughly .002% of firearms that are involved in injuries/death.
Yeah, we really need to regulate vehicles more. No one has a constitutional right to drive a vehicle.
No, I didn’t know it was going to be a Trump supporting white guy. I had no info to go on, other than “mass shooting in a newsroom.” I don’t like to speculate too much before a facts are laid on the table.
Well, we better make some of the harder-core drugs illegal on the national level then. That should help with heroin epidemics in places like Chicago.
That’s literally posted all of this comment section though (in jest, but still..)
When a drive-by shooting happens by a black person, do you also say something along the lines of:
Yeah, they weigh about as much as a hashtag or a comment section on the internet too.
Not really...
You CAN take away the common denominator- guns.
“Man... I really do not like McDonalds. Their food is crap and is killing Americans. That are an enemy of this country.”
So long as bulletproof hashtags are included!
Are you clairvoyant? If so, I’m sure the cops would have liked have known about this shooter ahead of time.. Why didn’t you let them know that there was going to be a white guy that’s gonna shoot up a newsroom?
Yep, hashtags work much, much better.
Black male does a drive-by shooting. Big shock there too, yeah?
There’s not a Walmart within driving distance for a lot of people.