
NO ONE has the right to shoot someone for not following a command.

Every case I’ve ever read has always resulted in a fatality.

Yeah. If someone has their hand on a detonator, or is threatening to kill more people, the cops should just offer them hug. But only if they ask first, and the person consents, right?

Question: Do you believe that the mantra of airlines is “We’ll crash”? because you’re only slightly less likely to die in a plane crash than be killed by police. Cops kill roughly .002% of the people that they interact with each year.

Here’s something else that’s surprising... Some aren’t even offended by the Washington Redskins name.

Gary Oldman always plays bad guys in movies. I guess that means no amount of manners off camera makes up for that either?

It seems like if she’s going ahead and suing him, then she’s probably feeling some type of trauma. Unless “I felt violated in way I had never experienced before” is code for something else?

That Mongolian Transgender (are we supposed to capitalize that now?) had better be in a wheelchair/an amputee, and also suffer from live with dyslexia. Anything short of that, and it’s just not ‘diversity.’

If you’re demanding those handshakes, you’re not asking for consent. You’re no better than Trump in that regard.

The real reason has to do with that (D) after his name. Rest assured, if it were an (R), he’d be deemed a sexual assaulter.

Why is this film being both Asian-washed, as well as culturally appropriating/changing the story’s location itself?

That’s not homophobia... I don’t think she’s scared of gay people.

Yes! This lady needs to be shamed out of her job, home, and led to commit suicide!!! All hail Mob Mentality!

Meh... The haircut looks more or less normal. But the eyes.... Those scream crazy.

How about if you have sons you teach them robustly about consent and being a good bystander?

To preface this (I can’t believe we actually have to add prefaces/disclaimers to comments around here); I’m not religious, so I don’t pray.

Was I the only one who immediately thought this was just a ploy by Clinton? I mean, it screams inside job.

You mean like how most of the commentators on this very site said the fire bombing of the Republican office was an inside job? YOU GUYS SO DID THAT.

I’ve owned my first Saab for about 7 months now, and I still occasionally try to stick the key into the steering column. Then, I hop in my Jetta, and try to stick it in the middle console.

Is she not a “liberal thug trying to intimidate Trump supporters” though? I mean, she’s liberal, and she tried to intimmidate Trump supporters by smearing stuff (regardless if it was just PB) all over their property.