Yeah.. Just having the word “Prius” on the back of the car handles what all the bumper stickers say.
Yeah.. Just having the word “Prius” on the back of the car handles what all the bumper stickers say.
I’d imagine the protein in the PB would do some damage to the clear coat/paint, if left on long enough. If it dries, it might even chip some of it off when you try to remove it. It’s the same reason eggs, and baloney slices can ruin paint jobs.
A lot of us would probably learn more about a lot of things if coloring books were used for explaining them...
Because you’re a bigot, and possibly a racist?
He was shot too.
You know that’s not true, correct?
I agree with everything but this:
The most aggressive tactic we were taught was deflect and run away.
“They shoot people. Day in, day out...”
You do know what site you’re commenting on, right?
Haha! Our IT guy at work has a shaved head, and pretty much full upper body tattoos all the way up his neck, full sleeves, yadda yadda. He’s nowhere near ‘white power’ in terms of mentality, but he said he gets some pretty bad looks when he goes to some clubs/bars, etc.
It’s a hairstyle. People can think it looks dumb if they want. Did he think it looked dumb because Kap’s black? Or did he think it looked dumb because there was so much of it, and only a finite space inside a football helmet?
I posted that white guys shouldn’t really have opinions on black hair.
It’s cool though. It’s a black woman bashing someone for marrying a white woman. Let Taylor Swift say that, and she’d be called a racist.
That’s one of the biggest things that I don’t get...
I’m no conspiracy nut by any means, but have you looked into the crisis actor stuff? When you see that some of the same people have been photographed at 3-4 different locations of tragedies across the nation, it does make you step back and question some things...
The same did happen to them. Remember the lady that was arrested for voting for Obama something like 8 times? Or the multiple people that were filling out hundreds of absent tee ballots under different people’s names, and voting for Obama? Or the dead people that ended up voting for Obama as well? Voter fraud is…
When you have a (D) after your name, you can do no wrong according to this website. How many articles have they posted about Hillary’s newly leaked emails? Zero. How many on Trump doing sexual assault things back in the 80s and 90s when that type of behavior was a little more commonplace? At least 4-6 per day.
Nothing you can legally buy today would pose a credible threat to the US military