
Fuck ‘em when they’re fetuses, coddle ‘em for the rest of their life. That’s the left-wing’s secret mantra and ‘safe spaces’ are the result.

Haha! Yeah, I’ve owned a few grey cars, and currently drive a silver Saab. I mostly get the grey/silver cars because.. Well, I don’t know why. Something about not wanting to stand out on the road while driving..

I’m sure some of these commentors are also ones that think saying “no” to a kid is a form of abuse as well.

Sorry for the tragedy that befell Jackie. Growing up in Dallas, it’s always a punch in the gut when something senseless like this happens. I actually just found out last night that one of my regular bartender’s sister used to date Charles Bryant. Not sure if she’s the one that he was stalking prior, but it’s creepy

Maybe we need to let cops start using the phonebook method again?

I like the cut o’ yer jib. Not really a Mustang fan, but I’m kinda diggin’ the newest body style.

36,500 is absurd. Cops killed roughly 1,300 people last year. 80% of which were legit threats. And, that’s out of over 75 million interactions with civilians in a year. So, 260 accidents out of 75 million interactions... That means .0003% of interactions went bad.

Calm down before ya blow a gasket.

They’ve killed 68 people.

walking from the convenience store with skittles

They’re here to kill me and mine.

Judging by the comments to this article, I believe the only answer is for advertisments to simply state “We sell X product” and that’s it. Just like, if we all wore nothing but potato sacks and face coverings, we wouldn’t need any of these ‘fancy’ ads to begin with.  

Yeah... I’m still not even sure what Perot was thinking when he chose Stockdale as his running mate. Of all the people that Perot knew....

Interesting how, when one brings up the whole “clip vs. magazine” in gun debates, they’re pretty much ripped to shreds.

What if some of them already are trans?

Well, out of 320 million guns, 70 guns being used to kill isn’t really a big number.

Huh.. that’s only one zero more than the percentage of unarmed black people killed by cops vs. how many black people the cops interact with...

If I knew before hand that there was a possibility that some of the ingredients in said Skittles might not be who they say they are? Nope.

I think it was the issue of attacking someone who had a gun that got him killed...

I’m white, and get nervous too. But, it’s mostly because “what if my tail light is out” type of stuff. What you have to realize is that the cops that kill unarmed people make up far less than even 1% of cops nationwide. The reason it feels like they’re all bad lately is because that’s the only thing the media talks