
Let’s just stop having child actors in the first place. And child singers/musicians, and child models. Let’s make the minimum age for all these jobs 16 or 18.

Except, you know, that part about the law that doesn’t allow anyone below the age of 18 from carrying/purchasing one. But, feel free to keep dissing Texas. We’ll happily keep supplying your state with most of its meat and textiles, all while not being a strain on your electrical grid.

Secretly? There’s people in the original thread that are flat out saying they wished it was a white guy. Other than talking about Trump, it’s the majority of comments.

Wouldn’t that also make it a violation of Jezebel’s god given right to hope the guy was white.

They need to be named, shamed, and expelled permanently.

Sad to see that the “I hope/wish it was a white guy” portion of Gawker survived.

We should have been keeping our eyes out for an older white male trump supporter as the real bomber

And in the that case, you best believe that it is right to raise a stink (but for, you know, the fact that black driver would end up dead .003% of the time).

Harass a Hispanic woman over the phone = $83M.

Where does this right to privacy end though? Monitor them when they use the restroom, take showers, sleep, eat.. It all invades their right to privacy. Might as well just put them on house arrest with an ankle monitor at that point. 

Well, bobcat nugget if semicolon door” knife longitude between vigrol}

Urine the right place with your comment, but I’m thinking toilet the puns flow more freely, you need make them the #2 priority of the sentence structure.

What about body dysmorphic disorder? If the therapy, and various drugs don’t work, are jails going to have to offer plastic surgery, and other body altering surgeries now as well?

You’re advocating for all women and children to spread blood, feces, and piss all over the city to save, what? 60¢ a month on taxes, or about $7 a year?

That’s just a local Fox affiliate channel, not anything like THE Fox News. The majority of programming on that channel probably consists of game shows, judge Judy type shows, a few soap operas, and primetime network TV. It’s the channel same exact channel that airs Family Guy on Sundays. You can pick it up with rabbit

I don’t think so. One of my old Androids had a flip to mute option, where you could mute an incoming call by flipping the screen face down. I was still able to hear a ringer when it was in my back pocket.

This headline is like saying “Hillary, someone who has never immigrated to anywhere, plans to release her immigration policy.”

My parents were the same way. Both raised me, and neither really took single ”ownership” over me, so to speak.

I don’t understand men putting up with women who refuse to fix or repair things, etc. nowadays either.

I’m an old-ish (just turned 38), so I remember pre-internet days as well. I don’t think it would be anywhere near as riled up as it is now. If anything, just for the simple fact that back then, you didn’t have instant communication capabilities with someone in a different state/country without having to dial a long