
When my dad was in the hospital, before he died, the doctors/nurses that would come in and draw blood would use latex gloves as the tourniquet. They said they do that because the gloves are free on insurance, but each actual rubber tourniquet was $40.

RosarchII is all concerned about beaters in driveways, and then talks about houses with 3-4 car garages... The people in a house like that aren’t gonna be driving beaters.

Seriously? If the house has a 3-4 car garage, nobody in that house is going to be buying a beater of a car anyway. Here in Dallas, a house like that would go for around a million bucks. Nobody’s gonna be driving anything cheaper than a 5 year old Infiniti, including junior with the part time job.

Kind of like how, instead of hitting the Hogan sex tape, and outing a gay man, Gawker Media should have just just gone around them?

Well, to be fair, if it were a woman captain, they probably would have still hit the iceberg because she was distracted while applying her makeup using the rear view mirror.

Oh please.. Not everything can be like Gilmore Girls.

Who’s “we”? I think you may be alone on that one...

If you haven’t checked it out, Dark Matter is a pretty good sci-fi show. The first season’s on Netflix. I also just started The Messengers the other night, and while it’s kind of cheesy, it has a semi-similar plot as the early Supernatural seasons.

Have you watch the show yet? If you gave up during the 1st season, it’s understandable.. It took a while for the show to really get its legs. But, around the end of season 2, beginning of 3, shit really hits the fan, and it’s an amazingly well written story with a pretty damn good plot line.

That’s only one less than the men; Victim, Villian, Savior, Hunk...

As much as I’d love for Bobby or Ash (even Charlie) to come back, I think having them as “agents” in heaven is good enough. It makes the few times we do/did see them again all the more awesome!

I think I remember reading somewhere that the writers said they potentially had enough material/storylines to go for 20+ seasons. Which, I’m OK with!

Where exactly would “assbutt” fall on the sexist spectrum?

I’m counting 22 kinds of horrible myself...

I wonder how these people that want NBC to air live coverage would feel when NBC switches over and decides to air live coverage for the 2020 Olympics from Tokyo. I’m sure they’d be complaining that they have to be up at 3am to watch medal ceremonies.

Really, there isn’t a double standard though. Police investigate crimes, not civilians, so it makes some sort of sense that police of some sort (Internal Affairs) investigates the wrong doing. It’s similar to someone at Best Buy being accused of poor customer service. They don’t ask other shoppers, or the people

Here’s a list of cops charged within the last year or so. It doesn’t include the Freddy Gray case (the article states it’s because of the nature of his injuries)

I’ve seen the viral videos encouraging people to mow down BLM and anti-Trump protesters

We’re supposed to hold cops to a higher standard, correct? That means they’re technically better at deciding when a car is or isn’t a weapon than your average non-cop person.

Zap Brannigan’s orange and less confident uncle