by the way, insisting that conservatism is at all concerned with equality is embarrasing.
by the way, insisting that conservatism is at all concerned with equality is embarrasing.
those poor, poor white men are so mistreated :(
Unless you have a citation for that I’m gonna say you’re making stuff up because I can’t find anything to support that claim.
Dude this whole conversation is boring and irrelevant. I entertained your questions a few times but it’s getting off topic and boring so I’m not responding anymore beyond this. Thanks for your comments.
Yes, stupid in regards to everything that was mentioned in this article, namely his shitposting. No one said he was stupid in regards to running a business or making money.
So your theory is that, because women are overtaking men in college attendance, they must be willfully taking it over? Why are you assuming a conspiracy?
Another aspect in the reversal of the college gender gap, rather than just its elimination, is the persistence of behavioral and developmental differences between males and females. Boys often mature more slowly than girls. In grades K-12, boys tend to have a higher incidence of behavioral problems (or lower level of…
You’re right, Garrek did misrepresent you there. To be fair, you’re still yet to be clear why you brought up him making millions while young.
To quote an old enemy of mine.... “You’re an idiot.”
Dude, if college campuses are overwhelmingly female then maybe MEN should start getting other men to go to school. Women are promoting more women to go to college and get a higher education, they are not promoting them to go to college to overtake it from the boys wtf that is some warped thinking.
Umm making things equal is making up for the past. So it’s both, not sure why you think it has to be one or the other. BTW equality doesn’t mean that white people will suddenly become some minority that everyone hates, it just means that you will be equal with the rest of society. I am sorry if that idea seems so…
Yes, but don’t forget that women have been targets of abuse since the beginning of time at the hands of bad man. If the pendulum swings the other way a bit I can tolerate it as a man.
Did you not realize that when you said “since he sold his venture to Facebook for a billion he must be correct”?
Jesus Christ. You are, presumably, a young white male. Do you not see how that particular social group has had an advantage in society for hundreds of years? Stop crying, please..
Liberals are intolerant of people who spout intolerance. Name one group of people that liberals hate because of who they are, not what they preach. Trump supporters, and Gamergaters, hate people just because of who they are, e.g. Muslims, Mexicans, Women who play video games, disabled people, etc.
Definitely. I only clicked on it to see what the comments section looked like but these articles are awful.
Huh. Funny, I’ve never actually met anyone in favor of “unchecked Muslim immigration.”
Agreed. I can’t wait for io9 to start going back to the science and wonder that drew me here. I can’t wait for paleofuture to dig up the old grandious ideas and snark on them. I can’t wait for gizmodo to go back to the technology, innovation, and gadgets that made it fun. I can’t wait to ....
This kind of article is my least favorite.