@Tony Kaye: Away, away, up into the sky, the same place dreams go.
@Tony Kaye: Away, away, up into the sky, the same place dreams go.
@CaptainJack: But I like iOS.
@CaptainJack: It didn't have a name before.
@gijenny01: Xbox, Zune, Keyboards, Mice, and MSN TV!
@CaptainJack: Of all the things to get uppity about...
@That Guy: That's the second reference to that movie I've seen today!
@Ben Zvan: Sounds fair.
I think that they camera they used was (just like my own camera) set to the wrong date.
@That mop mutant: Goood point! However, I'm sure that the people who are making 3D television (not televisionS, the actual programs) has already gotten around that.
get rid of the accellerometer glove, replace it with a webcam and an IR LED glove, then run up to that wall.
@That mop mutant: I don't see why not. If you have split-screen, why not make an API that you drop into your game that gives players the option to utilize it?
@Maave: A long time ago me and a friend of mine split the signal coming from my N64 to two televisons, then taped cardboard over the other player's view.
@mfokp: Unless they do.
@senselocke: WELP I guess they'd need some kind of way to sync the glasses? They should start building sync generators into Blu-Ray players instead of televisions, then they could use any 120hz television on the market.
@Arken: HA! Watched that last night.
@michaelfox: You made me sad.
@PPL(A), night: But ah! What about glassesless 3D?
@Kraken: Huh! How about that. Good little bit of information there.
@Davv: We're geniuses.
@Kraken: What's slow-turn?