
@Davv: I bet a mini keg would fit in there...

@hawkeye18: Wow. No. Don't do things like this.

@TheSonOfKrypton: They're after the exact same market. It's an obvious comparison, and one that will be made over and over again until someone finally supplants the iPhone as king of the hill.

Get back to me when we have the HULCBUSTER.

@billtodd: Tell me, how did he misrepresent them? Antennas attenuate. If they didn't, then that would be a revolution in antenna design.

@CaptainJack: My point is that shareholders don't care like most of the people who frequent these comment boards care. It's like Apple killed their father or something.

@Arken: Oh. I guess?

I...don't understand the point of this. Why would any Atheist care if he was baptized or not?

@Lyokowarirtitan: Yes, you can return it for a full refund, there isn't even a restocking fee. That announcement was a major part of the Apple event on friday.

@SAThorn: I can't believe how long it took me to get this.

@CaptainJack: I'll tell you who cares. Not shareholders, they'll just sell and move on. What are we supposed to do when our rates increase because some people who don't even use the phones make up a problem? I'm not talking about any specific company either. No matter who wins this we, the users, lose. We'll deserve

@Lyokowarirtitan: I know where the data came from. I also know that it doesn't matter, and neither would a survey.

@TheUltra: It being in the jar is the point.

@andymoorer: It's a toy. The jar is part of the illusion. There was never any other idea or application other than to look like a butterfly captured in a jar.

@mrgibblechip: I hate it. They've ruined lives and they've killed people.

@sknyluv: Now this is a quality comment. People! There's nothing wrong with admitting when you've misunderstood something!