
I'm not disagreeing with you that he's a piece of shit but he absolutely had been through some shit and completely vilified, and rightfully so, but he's been through some shit nonetheless.

See my response to Tim marchman, I'm on my phone right now and it's way too tedious to copy and paste all the sites that a simple google search you can do yourself will provide

The mayor of Philadelphia. He had some clout last time I checked

This was after about two minutes and one google really should try harder're an editor, you should be better than this.

Aaand you're a child. NEXT!!

I think you meant tough* guy... I could be wrong but then again you're doing a good enough job making an ass out of yourself without me correcting your in retrospect...carry on.

It's ok, Sean is telling me to do an impossible act of coitus upon myself on my post as's kinda sad to see the simple minded ones get control of a keyboard and internet access....poor bastard.

Aaaand you're a child. NEXT!

Fuck me for what exactly? For pointing out the fact that this is a terrible article and does nothing but substantiate the very thing the author is arguing against. I said nothing of my feeling towards Cooper as a person, I was stating an obvious falsehood that the author claimed, and his ironic article. That's it. Are

I wish I could like post more than once, well stated. You're my new hero

I kinda love you for this post. You've had these feelings for quite sometime haven't you. This wasn't some spontaneous response, this looks like some deep seeded hate here...bravo to you sir

Actually quite a few people have said he should be banned from football, and this entire post pretty much validates everything Foles said. You essentially, and ironically, completely made his point.

Yes you are, and you're welcome :)

What an amateur dipper right there. C'mon man!


Why do I get the feeling you wear skinny jeans

You buy vowels dipshit, not consenants. Nice try though....NEXT!!!

Lol@ you, you're calling fighting in hockey an inconsequential arbitrary thing when it had been embedded in the sport since it's in invention. Fighting is as much of a part as hockey as icing is, so yes you're a fucking idiot

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world so it's not even close to being a comparison, an what's the numbe one complaint about soccer? Flopping, as I. The complete opposite of what your bitching about. Just because you think something doesn't make it true, please take this time to get the fuck out.

And you can prove this how exactly? Oh you can't? I hear jezebel has some mysoginistic rant posts on their site if you care to meander over there.