
Debra W Soh is a Toronto based science writer who has a PhD in sexual neuroscience from the University of York. Her dissertation used four types of neuroimaging, including structural and functional MRI, to investigate brain differences associated with sexual orientation, paraphilias (or unusual sexual interests), and

The only person, or group of people as it were, screaming about hurt feelings is everyone cheering that he lost his job. I’ll say it again, he said in the memo that the company was silencing people who’s opinions didn’t coincide with the false narrative that Google and the rest of the Victim Community is pushing, they

Are you sure about that? He’s already got proof that Google was using illegal tactics to artificially inflate and meet gender and race quotas. California may be an at will employment state. but that doesn’t protect them if they were breaking the law. As for “3/4 of his hypothesis was wrong according to proven

Nothing about what the man said was sexist, or xenophobic, but based on observable science and was written in an attempt to reveal possible illegal actions taken by google in the attempt to hire people to meet a race or gender quota. 

Nothing about what the man said was sexist, or xenophobic, but based on observable science and was written in an attempt to reveal possible illegal actions taken by google in the attempt to hire people to meet a race or gender quota. 

Nothing about what the man said was sexist, or xenophobic, but based on observable science and was written in an attempt to reveal possible illegal actions taken by google in the attempt to hire people to meet a race or gender quota.

The Google fiasco only got worse when they proved the guy right by firing him.

Sounds to me like that guy that got canned by Google was right, and Blizzard is doing the same thing he was whistleblowing.

Sounds to me like that guy that got canned from Google might be right, and Blizzard is doing it too.

By that logic, Marvel shoiuld stop taking male white super heroes and turning them black/female

Why does the article keep stating she? It’s clearly a guy, come guys, can’t we put more effort into journalism to correctly state the persons sex?

There’s also been reports that some European copies of the game have the online symbol covered up by a sticker.. the damage control is real.

I give it 10 years and it’ll be illegal to be a straight white male in America.

What’s more sad, the fact that some one else wrote this or the fact that it does look like a Kotaku article.

This is male objectification and I won’t stand for it.

He is 100% correct. (In my opinion)

If she didn’t get a job there only to push her pro third wave feminism and pro censorship agenda she wouldn’t be dealing with any of this. She should get a job at Blizzard, they love conforming and showing zero artistic integrity when it comes to people being “offended"

The child drawing is hilariously more detailed than anything I can do at 25 years old.

It is a video game.