white washing isn’t a thing.
white washing isn’t a thing.
The darksiders franchise is actually pretty popular.
I’ve played the alpha, and the beta. It’s an absolute blast with friends or with random people, because even randoms will soon become friends.
I’ve been knee deep in articles about the game, a lot is coming out today. There’s TONS to do, it seems really simple, but the stuff they limited in the beta is a basic view of the game.
Good, the more people to play this the better. This game has the makings of something that could last for years. I read an article on IGN stating that they’ve got literally YEARS worth of planned free stuff for this game.
Remember when humor was subjective?
This game is one my personal Top 10 list. Ghost Trick was amazing.
It will change the gender of the forearms, which is the only part of yourself you see the entire game.
I want to live in a world where your opinions don’t cost you your career and livelihood. We’re getting into Orwellian territory.
I don’t believe someones personal opinions should affect their career.
How to get rid of an annoying Mac
Nothing about this is racist.
Now to get rid of all the other racists too, you know, the ones that believe white privilege exists.
Was there any actual evidence to this claim or did we just destroy another persons career based on an accusation.
You’re on Kotaku, expect regressive agenda in everything they write.
Aka “WE WUZ KANGS” the game.
Good. Let’s keep messing with furries.
Digging pretty hard to try to bring up a “non-controversial” topic huh.
Great, I can’t wait for more of my favorite youtubers to nearly lose their careers thanks to youtubes poor handling of their platform.
I still want Legends 3.