“Valuable tool” my ass! It’s a fundraising tactic 99% of the time and that’s it.
“Valuable tool” my ass! It’s a fundraising tactic 99% of the time and that’s it.
Carry 0 grams of weed, and not have to worry about it.
Even even all of that $80M went to the people who had their cars repossessed, that’s $4,000 a person. Having your transportation stolen in the night is a little more disruptive than $4k. Some people need to go to jail over this, but of course it will never happen.
Am I the only one here who didn’t ever make a connection to the CSA from the name of a motorbike manufacturer?
As a current university student, I know that American history is a required basic course. To assume the Confederacy was founded in the idea of slavery and that the entire civil war revolved solely around that issue means I can determine that you didn’t do very well in the class.
So why is the name bad?
I skimmed through the article thinking “please don’t change your name to some lame #brand”, saw Curtiss and was relieved. That’s a solid choice. I was afraid they’d go with some “ new economy” sounding BS.
At least the reporting is objective and unbiased though.
I would argue the extermination of Native Americans is the nations darkest history
The name is fine... overly sensitive people aren’t but here we are
She openly used and reported using this drug to officials for ten years. She wasn’t trying to hide anything. Then they decide to ban it and low and behold she fails a test for it days later.
“...she paid a very steep price for something she readily admitted...” after failing a drug test because she and her team, uh, failed to click a link that would have told her that the drug was banned? Listen, I’m actually high right now, so I don’t want to get all holier-than-thou, but she readily admitted using…
good one, dude. really showed that dead guy.
Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.
I was going to buy it until wrong cable ties. Might as well buy a rat rod, because who cares at that point.
Plus it isn’t like the torpedo made it to it’s target hundreds of meters away from the initial push out the door. Damn things had motors on em.
Wait....didn’t this ALREADY LAUNCH?!?! I thought they were supposed to be producing this already?
This is great. David please forward me the contact information for the new owners. I am looking for a safe and quite place to have events for my motor loving friends. I am thinking a schedule like this. Hours would be 5 pm to midnight or later.
So even rich people use the “it got mailed to the wrong address excuse,” as if that nullifies their obligation. Love it. I hope the parking space rent is very high.
The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of