I’m totally surprised the car driver didn’t take off afterwards, get caught by the police, and face no consequence at all.
I’m totally surprised the car driver didn’t take off afterwards, get caught by the police, and face no consequence at all.
I’m glad you see there’s no reason behind your statements.
Here’s a reading list for you:
What do you mean by “dismissed?”
They deemed it to be discriminatory and illegal to accomplish their political agendas.
How was the ban on immigration from Iran legal when it was done in the past, but illegal when Trump wants to ban immigration from other countries now?
I think cops in this city who’ve been on the job a while have dealt with people on PCP before, and they’re often able to tell pretty accurately when they meet someone who’s on it.
Yep, you can’t let facts get in the way of generating hatred toward whites and police in an attempt to keep yourself relevant.
The jury included two black women and one black man, but don’t let facts get in the way of generating some hate against whites and police.
If racism was the reason for her unanimous acquittal, how do you explain that the jury contained three black people?
Why didn’t you mention the jury that acquitted he included three black people?
So we’re just moving straight on to repeating a contested allegation as if it’s a proven fact?
You call me full of it, but you lump everyone in that town into racists?
Don’t believe these lies about the shows low ratings.
This article doesn’t explain WHY revoking California’s ability to enforce stricter standards than the rest of the nation would be bad.
While these investigations are looking for a crime, when are the felons who committed the only known crime in this whole mess going to be prosecuted?
Over 500 companies, 5 or 6 bankrupt ones.
What kind of medical condition keeps her from being able to ride a bus, but allows her to drive a car, as this article states?