big sexy

Sheffield’s bat? I like the kid a lot but let’s pump the breaks a bit on that one

So true. I thought it was a little early for Miller but it’s a good point that he wanted to have Miller for that turn through the heart of Boston’s order.

Francona gets playoff baseball like Buck didn’t this week. Treat every game like it’s game 7, all you need is 3 to move on (this round).

I giggle every time I see the Cardinals part. Ahhh, the simple things.

She, and the rest of the booth, is assuredly not “very good” tonight or any night.

I think you would really have enjoyed your boy CJ Nitkowski’s twitter feed. Telling all us dummies we just didn’t understand Showalter’s genius.

He’s an enormous asshole and I truly want to believe he said something so stupid.

Probably made up for publicity

They should have knee capped her

That’s hilarious. I have a buddy who though Shattered by them was “I’m a shadow”

Is there really a debate regarding the moderator’s role? I would guess the only people that want the moderator to allow the candidates to blatantly lie and not be called out for it are Trump’s handlers. I’m sure they know he will be spouting complete shit all night.

Very peaceful. Including the civilian shooting another civilian in the head, and protesters attempting to throw a reporter into a fire.

Good, those are consequences of your actions.

It would if he isn’t incredibly productive

I don’t get the reason. Sometimes I wonder how such dumb ideas can get by so many people and actually printed

Where did I say anything about disliking Votto for walking? Votto is one of the best hitters and one of my favorite players in the league. The whole point of my post is getting on base = good.

I truly don’t understand why a lefty with the entire left side of the infield open does not bunt it every single time. I know the HR gets you paid, but if you bunt down the line it would force the opponent to stop shifting you and let you pull the ball more (and get paid).

A lot of these new rule changes seem to be aimed at the “casual fan”. I don’t know many diehards that really care about the pace of game or shifts. Just leave baseball the way it is

Most likely a hateful tweet at Curtis Granderson before having a stroke at the latest Mets humiliation

I was just in Philly. Is Lincoln Financial Field under construction, or does it always look like shit?

The horse is ranked alarmingly high.