
I can tell you from living in the greater Dayton, Ohio area that this guys ideas on administering Narcan are not unusual. At the Kroger store I work at we have had 4 heroin overdoses in our parking lot in the last 3 months. I have even heard the firefighters who respond to an OD call grumble about how someone really

It can also be snorted, but you have to crush the crystal up REAL good, lest you end up with quite the nosebleed.

Half a dozen? Try more than 100...maybe hundreds.

Umm I work for Kroger and if you have a chip debit card you can no longer run it as credit, YOU HAVE TO ENTER A PIN. We have had many an irate customer over this change.

I always hear him as Alan Shore from Boston Legal. But I'm thinking that Ultron will become my new favorite Spader character.

Given the revenue stream that Tiger provides for the PGA, they would ABSOFUCKINLUTELY lie about him failing a drug test. To think any differently is ludicrous.

The spygate thing was blown WAY UNDER proportion! They were videoing opponents practices so they knew all the formations, checks, verbage, etc. I can't even begin to explain how big this is. It afforded them a HUGE advantage! Since Belichick DIRECTED that program, he should have been banned from the league in my

I LOVE what Elias said at the end of the episode. "Invictus Maneo"—I remain unvanquished. That is some cold blooded, cool ass shit to say. I believe A LOT of payback is coming Dominic's way...

Is that Richard Kiel as the Sasquatch?

Because if I wear it anywhere else it chafes.

I'm going with O.J. Simpson and Jameis Winston.

Yeah but Ben is a rapist...just sayin.

Like Kat Williams said, poor little tink tink

That WILL happen eventually. And I will LAUGH!

Umm, how do you take it up with the players or coaches when they are participating in the bullying? If Martin had done that, it probably would have gotten worse for him. And if he "had a backbone" he probably would have had to fight all three of his tormentors, then HE WOULD HAVE been the bad guy. Incognito is a