
Well, at the moment they don’t have a top-tier QB contract eating up a huge part of their cap. And like the article mentions, they barely had any cap room the past few years to do anything anyway.

I’m a little surprised he didn’t find a way to bring in the clip of Jon Stewart going off on him in that old Crossfire interview.

And a performance-enhancing drug scandal where he scapegoated his wife.

Something I saw recently was that one of the most common national holidays around the world is a country celebrating its independence from British rule. 63 countries I believe?

Probably never happen. The GOP needs to keep at least one black person on the payroll, and they can only prop up Hermain Cain’s corpse on twitter for so long before the smell starts to make it a real problem.

Okay, okay, whatever. The important question is when are they releasing an artbook?

The first problem I see is that for a lot of people, they’re probably still using the income listed on their 2019 tax returns. Some people who were making a comfortable income a couple years ago may have been somewhat impacted by a global pandemic in the interim.

If you get more money than you need, feel free to donate it to your local food bank.

The money-per-child benefit is separate from the normal stimulus that people get. A husband and wife would have gotten $1200 each the first time around, then $1200 total between them in January.

It’s also fucking blue.

Well, that’s their argument against cancelling student debt too. “I had to suffer through paying off tens of thousands of dollars of debt, they should too.”

Both JK2 and JKA have an inverted camera option? Just double-checked on my Switch.

I actually saw this three times in the theater. I only really wanted to see it twice, but I decided I had to know what the ending song was (“Where is my mind”) and this was in the prehistoric days of the internet, when it wasn’t a two-second Google search to find any info you wanted about a movie, so I went and saw it

It is also a movie where the consensus seems to be (including from the author) that the movie is better than the book.

I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.

Haven’t seen it, so I don’t know how extensive it is, but this sounds like fair use. Since it’s a documentary, that information seems like it would be newsworthy within the context of the series. This isn’t someone uploading the audiobook to bittorrent or something.

He also has multiple movies where a man gets away with a terrible crime against a woman.

Hey guess what, I can guarantee there’s an extra-large chunk of people who live in your area who are just as short-sighted and self-destructive. The proportions just differ slightly from place to place. Ted Cruz won his last election by barely 2%, to give you an idea of how the attitude you’re describing isn’t as

I wouldn’t say “I told you so”, but I would also keep my response honest and just keep it at “I hope you get well soon.”

Not for the faint of heart, but here’s video as it happened: