I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.
I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.
Haven’t seen it, so I don’t know how extensive it is, but this sounds like fair use. Since it’s a documentary, that information seems like it would be newsworthy within the context of the series. This isn’t someone uploading the audiobook to bittorrent or something.
He also has multiple movies where a man gets away with a terrible crime against a woman.
Hey guess what, I can guarantee there’s an extra-large chunk of people who live in your area who are just as short-sighted and self-destructive. The proportions just differ slightly from place to place. Ted Cruz won his last election by barely 2%, to give you an idea of how the attitude you’re describing isn’t as…
I wouldn’t say “I told you so”, but I would also keep my response honest and just keep it at “I hope you get well soon.”
Not for the faint of heart, but here’s video as it happened:
Maybe someone at Disney was squeamish about releasing a movie involving gay knights?
I seem to recall that happening after seeing Tristan’s kid, not being able to have a child of her own, and maybe after Tristan’s wife was killed (I have a vague recollection that maybe the eldest brother, who Ormond’s character was then married to, being partly to blame?). So, it was many years after Tristan and after…
I primarily recall that era with Julia Ormond constantly being stuck in the middle of some (usually doomed) love triangle. Legends of the Fall, First Knight, and Sabrina all came out within the space of a year I think.
I would really, really like to see more libel suits against Fox News. There’s probably no real means to take them off the air with government action, but cleaning out their bank accounts would be an acceptable substitute.
I’d like to know if the current administration now has access to the unredacted call transcripts he made to Ukraine, the ones that were “totally appropriate” but locked away in a vault with every precaution taken to ensure they were never viewed again.
Well, you just have to keep in mind that some have a slightly narrower interpretation of who qualifies as “people”.
Well, they have Homeworld 3 and Homeworld mobile in the short-term.
Everything appears fine to me:
Aren’t hedge funds just a scam? You pay exorbitant fees to get performance that rarely outperforms a plain index fund? And even if it did outperform, the fees would eat all your gains anyway?
Well, he managed to hold enough clout to get himself a pardon.
I think there’s wide gulf between “may not work as quickly as you like” (which is what these terms sound like) and “we may arbitrarily prevent you from using our services with specific products at our discretion” (which is the action RH is actually taking).
Not sure that the Roosevelt question really matters. They were both bastards, the same as pretty much every president in some way or another.
They also hate whites who don’t hate women or non-whites. Or anyone who expresses any doubts about Dear Leader.
I care more about your broken nail than I do about any “hardships” the Pences may be going through.