If only. Unless it’s a landslide, counting of the mail-in ballots is going to probably take a week or two, given how backwards some states’ rules are for when they can start being tallied.
If only. Unless it’s a landslide, counting of the mail-in ballots is going to probably take a week or two, given how backwards some states’ rules are for when they can start being tallied.
I don’t know, given how morally bankrupt he’s shown himself to be the past couple years, I’m starting to wonder about those SDNY years. Maybe the family tossing him a few bones to look good in return for not targeting certain folks? And maybe with old age he’s just gotten bad at hiding it?
To be fair, given how Tannehill has thrived away from Gase, Darnold is probably the next Joe Montana, waiting for a competent coach to stop holding him back. Clear out Gase, and maybe they don’t need Trevor.
It was also a Thanksgiving game for all the nation to see, and part of a sequence where the Pats scored 3 touchdowns in less than 60 seconds of game time. It was the most beautiful Keystone Cops impression I’ve ever seen on a football field.
Don’t worry. If he loses they’ll start talking about all the things they did to try to constrain him or censure him. None of it will align with the truth, but they don’t really need it to, since their target demographic has the memory of a goldfish and rely more on their “gut” than any objective reality.
I’d vote no on that one.
Somehow I imagine her memory of the constitution also gets a little fuzzy when it comes to the “well-regulated militia” part of those gun rights.
I’m not sure I see the sense in dropping Dimitroff from the Falcons. It seems like they have a ton of talent (between draft picks and free agents), they just need a solid gameplan on Sundays (and maybe better practice plans on the days in between).
Not sure what he’s pissed at Barr about, he’s doing everything he can to fuck with the election:
I give it two days before either Paxton, Abbott, or Patrick send out a tweet that includes the words “Soros-backed”.
gives him a handjob
Based on the stories you hear, I can totally see Shannon Doherty having a rule like this.
My Hackers (1995)-style dream is to have this song playing over the PA at any public event that Mitch McConnell is participating in.
I gotta say, when Trump starts talking about “law and order”, I’m not sure how the response isn’t “Aren’t you a serial rapist?” What’s the number up to now? 30? 40? Hell, the serial rapist in Con Air going to the super-duper max prison was only Johnny “23".
You mostly get MRSA from keeping things extremely clean. That’s why you see it in hospitals all the time.
Having him spend the rest of his life in federal prison would ease the sting a bit. I wouldn’t mind having the percentage of my paycheck that was going toward that earmarked for clarity on the stub. So “Medicare: $20, Social Security: $15, Maintaining the prison that keeps Trump from ever seeing the sun again: $0.157"
Folding Ideas did a pretty good video recently on how the Flat Earthers and big chunks of the wellness crowd had started flocking to QAnon, mostly with the same reasoning (trying to take Occam’s razor to infinitely complex systems).
It also makes obstructing a roadway a felony? Seems extreme.