Deadspin sucks

“Only the power of Sony’s wallet can run FF16 on the PS5 exclusively.”

“It’s not because Sony paid us, definitely not that.  They’re definitely not doing what they’re trying to argue Microsoft would do with Activision games, definitely completely unrelated and not hypocritical.”

Especially one that is from the future.

I’ll get it on Switch too if they do a physical release, but I’m definitely grabbing it on Xbox digitally.

Sony owns the movie rights, that’s it. The 2018 Spider-Man game is only PS exclusive because Sony published it.

Your mileage definitely varies.

Let me sum up this article:

Because of the lack of really any worthwhile exclusives, and the fact that I just like the xbox controller better, my MO last generation was to buy any cross platform games for the Xbox and mostly buy exclusives for the PS4.

“To be honest, those who have an Xbox are hentai gamers.”