
Much of the adversity they face comes after they retire. These guys end up hobbled, if not crippled.


To be fair, he’s probably more articulate when he isn’t lying and isn’t on the hot seat.

In my experience observing the reactions to these mass shootings, the same people that say “thoughts and prayers” are the same people who say “now is not the time to talk about gun control”, because they only want to have that particular discussion on their terms, rather than when we have a fresh horror to point to.


Exactly. Trump’s an honorary TSA agent, when he feels like grabbing ordinary pussy.

And? There’s a good reason for that specific snark, and it isn’t to make light of the situation.

You mispelled “pump”.


I also worry about his SCOTUS nominations.

I worry about deregulation.

Yeah, maybe. We’ll see.

You did what you felt was right based on what you know. Bravo to you and the rest if the people who voted for Obama but not for Clinton.

IT NEVER WAS MY PARTY!!! JFC, I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but because he lost, I didn’t lose my shit in my fucking diaper. I did not turn my back on my principles by voting for Clinton in the GE, I voted against evil., which, silly me, I felt was more important than banging my spoon on my high chair.

I “aspire” to stay alive. I “aspire” to be able to save enough money to stop working in a couple years. I’d like to see people less fortunate than me taken care of.

Ok, so say in 2008 or 2012 the Republicans stayed home, or voted third party, because their nominee wasn’t conservative enough. Who would we be stuck with? Barack Obama?

BTW, I have a penis, I good credit score, and make over 100K a year, so when you say “people like me” you have no idea what you’e talking about.

Nice credentials.

I didn’t call you a liar, nor did I mean to imply it.

And that Uber driver’s name is Travis Bickle.