Kam was the only one who had a good run the first round really. Eureka didn’t lipsync the words part of the time, had numerous reveals that added nothing. Aquaria fell just not in the edit we saw and Asia did that.
Kam was the only one who had a good run the first round really. Eureka didn’t lipsync the words part of the time, had numerous reveals that added nothing. Aquaria fell just not in the edit we saw and Asia did that.
There are a couple of things working against him, one of which is also Jealous’ advantage.
So glad this mess of a season is over. This show has become “RuPaul’s Advertisers Want Palatable Winners for Mainstream Straight America Race” and it sucks now.
I love how this finale seems to be making some Sasha haters reconsider their respect for our former reigning now. “Oh she just won for reveals.” She won for smart, well-designed, well-executed performances. No queen topped either of her lip syncs from last year’s finale this year. Maybe they couldn’t have, maybe the…
For a high-impact reveal, yes.
As all things must come to an end, so must Random ‘pinions for this season:
Well, that was... underwhelming, predictable and a little bit depressing.
(I thought bitches had jokes when they were talking about ‘dead butterflies’; I had no clue y’all was dead serious... literally.)
Aquaria fell twice during her lipsync with Eureka so Im sure she knew Ru saved her, as referenced by her second chances comment when she was crowned. Most people at the finale agreed Eureka was the clear winner.
Honestly I think the entire reason Eureka and Aquaria “tied” was because Eureka straight up won that first lipsync and there was no way in hell Ru was going to deny Aquaria a chance at the finale. She was Ru’s golden child from the get go.
Aquaria fell twice during her lipsync with Eureka so Im sure she knew Ru saved her, as referenced by her second chances comment when she was crowned. Most people at the finale agreed Eureka was the clear winner.
The winner was the person Ru decided was the winner from the first episode? REALLY??? NO WAY!!!!
Oh, and my biggest disappointment of the season: how much I got left out of being able to participate in discussion here because 75 per cent of my comments never left the greys. Guys, you need a different commenting system.
Even IF the butterflies went as planned with Asia’s performance, WHAT THE FUCK do they have to do with Janet’s songs? Effective prop usage is integral prop usage. Sasha had a theme with her roses. Aquaria had fireworks for Bang Bang. Butterflies and Nasty? No sorry.
In hindsight, I feel like Asia’s stunt needed to fail so future contestants can’t just pull out a grand reveal and expect to win... it’s like a great equaliser. Don’t attempt it unless it’s Perfect.
Compared to the season nine finale, where every reveal felt exciting and vital, this was grim. Does it even count as a reveal when the queens come out looking ninety pounds heavier and buried beneath fabric? If the look doesn’t work by itself, it’s not a reveal so much as it is taking a tarp off a sports car.
It was hard to tell if Brown was dry or not because he barely ran any ads. Hogan had an idiotic message built on lies and deception, but he ran those ads until you could memorize them. I remember being shocked on election day when I turned on the tv and saw a Brown ad. Like, dude, what are you thinking? It’s too late.
I don’t see why Ben Jealous shouldn’t take this race in November.
The dumb fucking questions this asshole is asking, thinking she’s clever.
Some say Michael Tracey still checks under his bed for Auntie Maxine every night.