
I mean, I lurve me some Ru, and have ever since I first saw the Supermodel video, back when I was 13 years old.

But all that high esteem doesn’t make me blind to her obvious personality flaws and bias, which even the most fabulous people on the planet have... It’s an occupational hazard of being human.

Please do tell that to the troll stanning for Ru so hard that he actually resorted to using the bs rhetoric of the colonizers...

*Snickers @:

Real talk.

THANK YOU! Eureka wasn’t even sure about the advice she was getting, but you could tell she was at least taking it under consideration. 

Honestly, if you think Eureka is getting off scot free you’re just not paying attention. The amount of hate she gets is insane, and sometimes people on the subreddit get downvoted for defending one of her looks, lipsyncs etc. or for being a fan, and she regularly gets mocked for having said she has a fear of singing

I’m so confused by this review and so many of the comments. How is the Vixen getting praise as a social justice anti-hero? She did nothing with her time on the show to start meaningful conversations about race, no fights were even about race! It’s such a slap in the face to other black Queens who have actually done

I think its totally fine if people want to use their platform (like Blair seemed to) but I don’t think they are obligated to bleed on stage for entertainment (like you could tell they were gunning for Kim Chi to tell her mom about her drag). Its like on Top Model when Isis wanted to just be there for her and not carry

The fact that Vixen had memorized her argument with Eureka, so much so that she actually lip-syncs along to the footage, tells me everything I need to know about her. When you enter the season saying that you’re looking for a fight, don’t whine about the fact that you get in fights.

To paraphrase my friend, “RuPaul is one of the most problematic things on Drag Race.” Gurl, you’re a multimillionaire that can’t even be bothered to remember the names of drag queens on your show. Somehow I doubt that RuPaul has never walked out of a conversation where Every. Single. Person is against you and telling

Sorry buddy, I’m Eureka for the win, although now I’m torn because of what Monique said. We do need a queen with Asia’s viewpoint.

Yeah, nothing was her fault, no other opinion mattered. To say Monet talked shit about Cracker, clearly she didn’t watch the Untucked we did when Monet repeatedly told her Cracker did not “fake her way to Drag Race.” To Asia’s point, she’s a person who is in pain and needs empathy.

Im a bit surprised at Rupauls attitude towards the Vixen. But not so much at the others contestants. The Vixen makes for great TV (sometimes) and her points about racism are important. But she’s also deluded by saying she didn’t start a single fight and frankly it seems the other queens were over it. Monets reaction

Let’s not forget the OG Elephant Queen, though.

The only Degrassi that matters:

This is why editors are so critically important in the realm of responsible journalism...

This is why editors are so critically important in the realm of responsible journalism...

Asias comment rubbed me the wrong way too because it was just plain WRONG, and a reinforcement of her own feelings of inadequacy towards Cracker (as she mentioned during her voice-over).

Agreed. Not everyone beats themselves up. Some people self-criticize, improve and move on. Aquaria strikes me as one of those people. I *really* hated this episode, save for the mini challenge.

Unless he believes being gay is a choice. So many conservatives think being gay is a choice, I am pretty sure there’s a higher percentage of bisexual people in the human species than previously assumed.