
Can we start a petition for Drag Race to never, ever edit the show to make it seem like a queen and her duplicate are in the same room. That was awful for a reality show. This isn’t fucking Orphan Black, RuPaul.

I mean, the scene with Ru acting with her “twin” ... what exactly were the queens reacting to in the work

in order to be a drag queen, is it a requirement to have emotional baggage, insecurities, and a tragic backstory and the wherewithal to expose it to an international audience?

wasn’t that the reason why kimchi didn’t win s8? because she was unwilling to tell her mother that she did drag (and on an international level, no less) and, thus, provide rupaul with drama and a nice pat on the back.

Let’s get this out of the way: The good-evil twin edit in the judging felt completely pointless and only distracted from the tension. They should have thrown the critiques just like every other Ball with the queens on their final looks.

Never look at the tweets. It will do you more harm than good.

One name: R Kelly

They know what they did. Santa had it coming.

Right, because Nina Turner ain’t shit. She gets the reaction she deserves.


“We don’t win people over by calling them dumb and stupid.”

Hold up a second.

I have to hear about how Hillary didn’t campaign in Wisconsin all the time, but none of these articles about Our Revolution, Bernie Sanders or Nina Turner point out that Bernie purposely ignored every single southern state in 2016.

The citation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party in this article is also suspect. It was created before the parties flipped alignments in the late 60s. I don’t like when people, Republicans or Nina Turner (although, let’s be honest, where’s the border between them these days?), fail to acknowledge how the

That part really bugged me.

The true irony here is that this collection of individual media blogs that seem to cover every topic except Latino issues is owned by... Univision.

Terrell is Bernie Bro through and through. He’s going to cape for Our Revolution and be damage control. Our Revolution refused to fire Tezlyn Figaro, Fox News contributor, after her anti-immigrant statements and public support of 45. There was almost a revolt against Turner. But you didn’t hear a peep about that on Spl

I don’t think that article will ever come from anywhere other than a Latino publication. One would think that because of the demographics that it would demand more attention, what with us becoming a bigger and bigger slice of America, but here we are. I guess we aren’t out of the phase of being treated like window

Yeah, they only mentioned Tezlyn Figaro in order to breeze past the problems generated by her hiring, attempted or failed or whatever you want to call it. Where’s the analysis of how Our Revolution has performed with endorsements of Latino candidates?

Ironically, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, whose election victory was sealed mainly because of black women, voted for the bill.