Tina ended up borrowing approximately $15 million against Johnson's future earnings, according to the Dispatch.
Tina ended up borrowing approximately $15 million against Johnson's future earnings, according to the Dispatch.
Ha. No trolling, just using Stephen's language to achieve lede sentence parity. Because parity, as we all know, is important.
Sounds like a grumpy PS Fanboy.
I'll be honest....between this and the PS4, I am actually liking the Xbox One interface a lot more as time passes. My only issue is with the order of my pins (without using smartglass to move them around), but beyond that, it flows together well and is relatively quick for me.
Nice write-up. I got my Xbox One and PS4 within 2 months of eachother and while i have a ton of fun with either, i spend the most time on Xbox One. it's where my friends are and i like the social features there. My favorite feature is the facebook like feed where you can see your friend's achievement pops or game…
The issue of trust sold me as well, but in the opposite direction. I was never all that upset about the always on features for the XB1. My console sits on my shelf in the living room and is always connected to my network, so it really never bothered me. In fact, I still end up leaving my console on most of the time…
Far Cry 4 is the kind of game that lets you make a lot of mistakes. The first night I started playing, I walked into an abandoned house and spotted a hornet's nest. I shot it for no particular reason. A swarm of hornets flew out and killed me. The next time I saw a hornet's nest, I did not shoot at it.
This May seem a little agressive but can Kotaku actually ask proper questions such as why this new version costs £40, even for those with a last gen copy, and why the still haven't delivered on items promised from launch, such as heists, instead of just repeating what other sites have said.
It's crazy how many people are so bitter and jaded about this game. It's not often I hear swears in games, and in this game they are usually doing it right when I start to say the same thing and it just adds to the comedic effect. And there have only been a few instances of "fourth wall" humor, not nearly as much as…
It's made by the same studio that made R&C!
Eh... I kinda wish Kotaku would've designated somebody else to review this. The author clearly didn't like the game's narrative/humour and it almost comes off as a vendetta here. This review was beating the same dead horse apparently as much as Sunset Overdrive reminds us it's just a (***ing) video game.
Can't shake the feeling that the Reviewer had a real bone to pick with the humour of this game. Like, a several paragraph long bone, with garnish. It must've really bugged the heck out of him.
"Atrocious sense of humor and style"
That looks like it could be a pain in the neck to fix.
Dude looks like a broke Mackelmore
This is the worst generation gaming has ever seen.
I really don't mean this as a jab at you, Yannick, but what is the point in these articles? We all know that a high-end PC is going to run/look better than a console, so what is the benefit in saying "Yep, this game too follows the convention that literally every other game follows." It's kind of just like posting an…
Of course people lined up for it. Despite what almost everyone thinks, people ARE interested in the Xbox One and people do enjoy having one and the games for it.