
Oh please. As if these articles aren't written for the fanboys of the platforms. Anybody that prefers PC, PS4 or X1 will always get the game on that platform. PC games always look the best, and PS4 and X1 are nearly identical aside from a few pointless pixels that don't affect the enjoyment of the game. This isn't

They're just re-posting garbage articles from other sites that just beat the same dead horse. It's clickbait for all the fanboys out there that spend more time bashing platform X rather than actually playing platform X.

Kobe has no business surpassing MJ with this garbage. The NBA needs to intervene. I'm thinking a WWF style move with some 12th man jobber coming off the bench and taking Kobe out with a steel chair to the knees. Hell, I'm sure his own teammates would happily volunteer.

Kotaku used to be better than this clickbait garbage

I really hope FC4 never breaks the 4th wall ... or else Yannick's gonna be PISSED!

Any plans for them to patch in a compelling protagonist and a new campaign? #ACU2

This might be the first AC game I pass on... until it's $25 in a couple months and I'm playing the ideal version that's been patched the performance issues. #moderngaming

From the outside looking in, you can really gauge how much confidence a publisher has in their game depending on the review embargoes. When you see reviews come in early (Forza Horizon 2, Dragon Age Inquisition), it's no surprise to see the games turn out really well.

On the other hand, when reviews come in late as in

I'm disappointed, but I can't say I'm shocked. I've played them all, and these games really do succeed or fail based on the strength of the story and protagonist. Arno seems just as generic as the lead from AC3, so I'm not too surprised.

It sounds like this game is just a tech demo for what's capable on the new gen

So basically they should just create a new IP, but keep the 'Watch Dogs' name.

The gun play in videos looks wonky. Almost similar to playing a FPS from 2002 where you're just kinda aiming in a general direction. I just wish they would add a compelling story add-on/DLC. I want them to take my money, but there's too many other games to replay this gem with a new camera angle

I predict everybody will try the first person mode for the novelty, and then eventually switch back to third person... because, you know, that's what the game was built to.

You're assuming the vocal minority of trolls online represent the majority of actual consumers. Annual sales prove this game is very popular and does just fine as is.

I'm not sure I entirely understand all the fuss about this game. I completed it, was compelled enough to do a lot of the little fetch quests... and I moved on.

I'm probably in the minority... but I only play COD for the campaigns. I got tired of the MP after MW2, and so I just borrow the game from a friend (everybody has a dudebro friend that plays COD) and blaze through the single player campaign over a weekend.

I'm always satisfied. COD campaigns are like blockbuster summer

You're taking the online whiners as the majority. Sales prove otherwise.

Really enjoyed this game... but none of this sounds too compelling.

If there's one franchise that probably doesn't need the additional push/credit... it's Call of Duty. I reckon they're doing ok.

Has there ever, truly been a really compelling piece of console exclusive DLC? Every one I've ever played has just been a forgettable throwaway mission or two that never really added to the experience.

Preferably they would get someone that came into the review with no previous bias. Yannick has been pretty forthcoming about disliking the game's tone and style for months way before the review. He was never going to like the game, and so his review was always going to be skewed in a negative direction.