Big Fan

You say: “Yep, because once you get a “dishonest” narrative to stick, it’s really hard to get rid of it. You say you’re not a liar? Of course you’d say that! You’re a known liar! This is yet another lie!”

She IS a liar!

You say: “In many ways, Hillary’s been more transparent than either of her current rivals. All of


Sadly true!

You’re right about “There’s really no hard evidence that Hillary has been awful to the women Bill had affairs with. She’s called them some names (mostly in private), but other than that - it’s a pretty baseless talking point.”

The concoction of the “Bernie Bro” narrative by pro-Clinton journalists has been a potent political tactic — and a journalistic disgrace. It’s intended to imply two equally false claims: (1) a refusal to march enthusiastically behind the Wall Street-enriched, multiple-war-advocating, despot-embracing Hillary Clinton