No, and yes. I’ve met people for whom the notion of not drinking is as foreign as the notion of not breathing.
No, and yes. I’ve met people for whom the notion of not drinking is as foreign as the notion of not breathing.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I do think it varies by person.
The fact that a restaurant sells alcohol doesn’t obligate you to purchase alcohol when you patronize it.
To your point, one thing we rarely talk about is how expensive booze is. I’ve never been much of a drinker — maybe a few drinks per year. My present partner doesn’t drink at all. It really impacts our bottom line for the better
To your point, perspective is a thing. My first husband committed suicide having arranged the situation so I’d be sure to find his body. After that experience, I’m pretty unflappable in family emergencies.
But the point of the post is that you ARE imparting very bad news — like a death. As someone who’s made this sort of call numerous time, I agree with the post: indicating it’s very bad news both indicates the urgency of a call back and helps pave the way to a tough conversation
And Idaho gets wet. The best tomatoes I ever ate were raised by a co-worker in Southern California. He said his secret was letting them wilt a bit, watering them deeply, and repeating that cycle.
My point is that the chance of getting a great street food experience is often inversely proportional to the ambition of the cart/truck’s owner.
Or you could simply whack anti-vaxxers over the head with the rifle butt until they learn sense.
How so? It’s 1 tsp. of BTB to a cup of water for regular-strength broth
Your chronology is right. I remember getting vaccinations, but not the exact timeline or what they were for, since I was a small child
I once had a blind date with a man who wasn’t for me but was also, objectively, a bad date. For instance he was unbathed, unshaven and wearing dirty clothes; at one point he remarked that he’d considered taking a shower and wearing fresh clothes, but decided not to bother.
I’m 63. When I was three there was a measles encephalitis epidemic in my county. I was hospitalized for a couple weeks. Yes, I was fully immunized by my nurse mother.
Yes, that’s one approach. Beware the fees, however. All the target date funds I’ve seen are made up of other mutual funds and ETFs.
I kept running across mentions of Rancho Gordo beans so I finally ordered some online. They are A. Maze. Ing. They claim to be fresher than “commodity” dried beans so they cook in less time. And they have a couple dozen heirloom varieties, so it’s not the same-old beans all the time. I soak them for about four hours…
I know the purpose of your post is to define “glide path” but in my view many fund managers are way too conservative in developing their glide paths.
The Al Jolson Story was made in 1946. So, yes, there’s an Al Jolson biopic, and, no, we don’t need another
Your story reminds me of learning to drive in a 1966 VW bug: by learning to drive in a stick-shift, driving an automatic was a piece of cake.
One of my favorite things about Kindle books are free samples. You can read a sample, then decide whether or not to buy the book. The answer is often No.
I’d add, Ditch books that are no good. I find readers tend to stick with a book once they start it, feeling like abandoning it is a “waste”. But life is short, and some books just are bad — either they’re objectively bad boojs, or they aren’t right for you.