
The last late-model car I remember seeing with louvers was a new-ish “murdered out” Mustang that was passing me on the freeway a couple years ago. He was going by me at around 85MPH when his louvers just popped off and flew off the back window. Apparently he had used double-sided tape or the equivalent to install them.

As a middle-aged formerly outdoorsy guy who’s slowly getting dragged back into camping / biking / etc. as my kids get older, I really miss the “activity oriented” vehicle. As reviled as the Aztek and the Element were for their styling, I’d love to have an AWD vehicle with a lot of those features - standard roof rack,

This is the correct answer. But you guys enjoy chugging your big bowls of backwash, I guess.

But it’s a Herkimer Battle Jitney! The finest nonlethal military vehicle ever made! 

I never understood the mentality of “My situation is shitty, so everyone else should be made to suffer along with me”. Seems like a petty, exhausting way to live your life.

>If you have a Harley, all of the old white dudes love you

I gotta say, I HATE the “bring your own food and drinks” tip. A few bottles of water maybe, but every year my parents would take us to an amusement park, and at lunchtime we’d march past the pizzeria, chili dog shop & funnel cake stand to go sit in the parking lot and eat warm bologna sandwiches & soggy chips. The

I spent more than a decade with Type 2's & T3's as my hobby of choice. I’m not worried about the tranny (there’s a reason we used to have to fight off the sandrail guys for them) but $25K for a non-camper, non-syncro? That’s at least twice what this thing’s worth. And even as a Subie fan (my DD is a Subaru) the engine

From the other side of the counter: just after college, I was the webmaster/IT/graphic designer/jack-of-all-trades for a local classic car & used motorcycle dealership, that picked up a new Yamaha franchise. After firing our third parts manager in as many months, I get tapped to fill in. No biggie, I’m a passable

A friend of mine in high school bought one of these from a local couple who was moving to retirement community (it had been mothballed in their garage for a decade). He promptly painted it red & dropped in the built 351 Windsor from his LTD. It was terrifying to drive.

This is pretty much exactly what I’ve been thinking - I keep hearing that one of the main reasons for a mid-engine redesign is “to attract a younger fan base”. What’s the CHEAPEST current Corvette list for, just under $60K? And the redesign is going to be at least $10K or $20K MORE than that? Maybe things are

>You may already know that the International Scout is a particularly poor example of craftsmanship


I’m a sucker for leather seats.

I don’t know if I’d agree with the “relatively cheap” part. I was car shopping last year and considered a truck - I needed 4WD (I’m classified as an “essential” employee) and a crew cab (because kids). If you want that with anything other than the fleet-grade interior, you’re closing in on $50K...