
That is very agitating to see.

I live in the neighborhood and drive through that street at least twice a day, it is the largest section of traffic within 10 miles because it has up to 8 lanes. And I just want to know, what type of assholes would put up all those slabs of concrete with live traffic underneath!
We’ve never had this type of issue

You lost me at didn’t evolve. I was an Anthro major for a few semesters, the timeline thing... Not a thing. It’s probably a great talking point for the uninformed. But it’s not something supported by available evidence.

I like mine. My wife is scared of it, so she won’t use it even though it would be of great benefit for lighting a mostly-spent candle.

I like mine. My wife is scared of it, so she won’t use it even though it would be of great benefit for lighting a

When your startup is in the investment market, you can’t just glibly compare yourself to all types of startups all put together and say that 59<90. It’s still an unacceptably high failure rate, and shows (yet again) that cryptoshit is little more than a ponzi scheme pump and dump vehicle for scammers to rip people off

Isn’t the point here that there are existing regulations banning the use of downer cattle and the like but it’s showing up anyway?

I am in the same boat. I wouldn’t buy it for that price either.

“I woke up and realized omfg I have so much money I have literally no idea how to spend all of it, why the fuck am I still working?”

I like them, but they look exactly like a cheap car someone would buy to impress someone. like trying to impress someone with a grand marquis. Sew, I see through you. 

Ok my original registration number still valid?

Oh, good, it’s the volunteers that are watching the movie, not already conscious (?) AI.

I’d worry just tossing such an AI into “Up” might ingrain it into them that those you love are temporary, bad things can and will happen when you want to do something innocently fun, and that your heroes will fail you.
And maybe

I couldn’t disagree more. I say win-door ALL the cars.

Connecting is apparently bad. Trying to meet and understand your customer-base is apparently nonsensical or requires conspiracy-styled ulterior motives. Really? It’s not enough he’s giving away 99% of his fortune to charity and actively promotes organizations of all kinds across the globe? Has Gizmodo or your new

I was gonna use this tank for a daring bank vault heist, but I guess now I’ll just park it out front so I can have an article about the HOA making me move it

LeBron calling out Chuck, Le’Veon Bell released a diss track against Skip Bayless. Is 2017 the year that Athlete’s finally put professional Hot Take Artists in their place?

Better idea. Push to development alternative technologies so that when the arctic is viable in 40 years, we have left oil and gas behind for the next wave and Russia is further back because they invested and rely on dying technologies....

Nothing worse than a broken rubber.

ooooh member Gus Fring?

Taking this opportunity to say I can’t stand it when adult women get happy meals. You are not funny or cute, you are wasting fucking money just order off the dollar menu.

What a negative way to write about something that’s generally positive. Kids are going to get pointless little plastic toys with their happy meals anyways, at least this one might make them want to walk a bit more.