Aaron Reynolds, of @batlabels fame, was playing Grand Theft Auto Online the other night when he ran into some…
Aaron Reynolds, of @batlabels fame, was playing Grand Theft Auto Online the other night when he ran into some…
Looks like it’s time for the tech companies to start hiring gun lobbyists to make sure they also can’t get sued for individual dumbassery which may involve the products they produce...
That’s two generations old, this is the last gen Charger. But to be fair I don’t really see it either.
Not to brag (as he’s just about to do that), but while I like the rear-redesign of the newer Mustangs, I’m not a big fan of the way they’re slowly ridding the classic retro look of the front. And (as the aforementioned bragging starts) I’m glad I picked up what turned out to be among the last models (2014) which…
This bass would like to join the party.
Well now that Putin is president it will be Ladas for everyone.
Only on bulk orders of 100 or more...
And, really, who wants to drive in megacity traffic?
i didn’t realize how canadian i was until this comment.
Stand in line politely, don’t brandish a weapon, respond “Terry Fox” or “Gretzky” to any questions about your personal heroes, laugh at America’s political situation, order a “double double”.
All these special little snowflakes “expressing their discomfort” with the brown men on an airplane should go find their safe space and cry it out. Morons.
No idea. But I’m assuming the driver is unavailable for comment.
I can never picture these people, or those that aspire to be like these people driving a lincoln continental... Maybe a Volvo? This feels very volvo - if it was the scandinavian landscape.
Not The F8 of the Furious? The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.
Oh sure. When the dog climbs into an open cop car it’s cute and understandable. But when I do it I’m “going to jail for sure” and “a sick son-of-a-bitch and need to put my pants back on”.
From the modern ones? I agree. But the C10 2000 GTR is my numero one.
No Lowballers, I know what I have.