
Did you just get bit by a horse? Did a riding club deny you? did a girl who belongs to a riding club deny you? This has personal vendetta written all over it.

Since the answer is really the Model S, and you didn’t specify “new”:

I tried...I have the means, but the boss is not in favor.

A MkIV Jetta? This could be the most expensive “free” car in history...

That was not, in actual fact, a drift; rather, the driver was trying to keep the car constrained on the track as it desperately leapt towards the crowds watching it, happiness and hatred screaming away in its headlights.

Right? All these fucking old white cisgender males... Sick of it!

Weird, I don’t see a crowd of people nearby. They all must be under the Mustang.

It used to be owned by Ford after all. I like what Volvo is doing to it’s company. Both Lincoln and Volvo seem to be emerging as great luxury alternatives to the already establish Germans

By a motorcycle, put a Viper engine in it, and die.

Meanwhile, in other Top Gear related news, Chris Evans is still a dick:

Damn GM, you a bitch! Seriously that’s a dick move. You would think though, with all of the problems that we’ve had with franchise dealerships ( the lying, horrible customer service, driven up prices, one of the reasons Cadillac isn’t selling, etc) that GM would be behind direct selling. Doesn’t makes sense. Their own

Crown Vic!!

Probably because Toyota is like that perfect, straight-A kid who everyone hates as a result

I know you were trying to make things better with the video, but imagine the response if you had been holding the Australian Flag instead

i agree

Disagree. I saw a great documentary about an awful hockey player with a beautiful slap-shot that transitioned into being a golfer. His bizarre behavior and nobility (he used his winnings to buy back his grandmother’s home) turned golf into a worthwhile spectator sport.

Yeah but rally is exciting in the 2-3 seconds you see the cars. Golf is boring 100% of the time.

Roadkill did it

Said Kazakhstan: