You know how the saying goes; where there’s a will, there’s a way to turn some wacky old sedan into a pickup truck.…
You know how the saying goes; where there’s a will, there’s a way to turn some wacky old sedan into a pickup truck.…
Here ya go. Now stay the fudge off the road
Materials used by GM in the 80s? That’s just ridiculous.
The kind of things that don’t happen when you drive a Panther.
I hope she has 50k for repairs and maintenance!
Turkey is already bombing the Kurds again around Aleppo and IMO ought to be kicked out of NATO. Saudi Arabia supports extremist scum. The US calls both Turkey and Saudi Arabia “allies” and has had a habit of stabbing Kurds in the back since the first Gulf War. Russia is supposed to be a scare crow in Europe but in…
Do people chose to ignore the fact that Assad is the legitimate ruler of the sovereign state of Syria?Islamist terrorists are attacking the sovereign legitimate government and we are backing the terrorists? The FSA and the rest of their terrorist kin are no better than ISIS, there are plenty of videos online of them…
If I had a fukin dollar for everyone I saw say those exact words, I could put a nice down payment on an RS
Small block Chevy, same difference.
Because on our roads it would be pretty much hovering the entire time.
Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.
I’ve seen this episode of Top Gear
Dear Doug, didn’t you promise us a broken Aston update this week? Perhaps I would know more if I followed you on Twitter...
Just delivered mail to the Ferrari mailbox.
SVT Expedition Lightning
Yeah, but the final 2 paragraphs change everything:
The notion in which people call on a person to be fired because they read something they don’t like is beyond dumb. The correct course of action is public discourse and argument, not trying to silence the opposition.
In Clarkson’s defense, I doubt one column sums up his entire thoughts and reasoning on the matter, and…
Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”