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They need to find these guys and relaunch Destruction Derby....

So it looks like the the Evo X? Wow good job Subaru!

Isn't the answer always Miata?

Good luck rolling down the window in the first place.

It has to be these.

IRS was used on the '99-'04 Cobras, not just the '99.

There can be only one

There is only one way I can answer this question

Would actually be useful if it started with a shitload of dead trees from the nickel mining.

A Panther, though a CVPI especially. They're cheap, easy to find, and are relatively bullet-proof. [Save for the plastic intake manifolds on the 98-02 models; those have a tendency to crack/leak with wear.]

Seeing this makes me want to Technicolor yawn. CP to the max.

Is it like Robocop?

I got this one.

Oceanic Airlines.

Amazing how accurate those pilots are. Not a drop of water on the guy's potato!

Good old days:

Beating the shit out of a car is baseball in Russia.