You could implement strict “One or None” breeding laws for the low and middle classes. Which would go a lot further than pie in the sky ideas.
You could implement strict “One or None” breeding laws for the low and middle classes. Which would go a lot further than pie in the sky ideas.
Climate change has done this.
Dating underage girls is peak progressive, get over it.
Wouldn’t it be more effective to just sterilize large swaths of the population to achieve net zero? They don’t have to know it’s being done to them, and it can explained away as a natural occurrence. The benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Every single “climate” plan fails to address the most pressing issues, population reduction and control strategies. No public plan includes these, though I;m sure there are forward thinking adults on this planet who have this foremost in their minds and will take steps to take action, regardless of how much the…
Mandating of masks doesn’t go far enough to ensure the public safety. It’s time for government to mandate contact tracing and, Covid Passports as well. The freedom of movement, and the privilege of employment should only be possible if you been shown to be free of infection/vaccinated. |
We have the solutions right now, they’re called the condom and, population control. Less mental gymnastics and, less breeding will get you the results you want.
Let me guess, your whiny little girl ass was “harrassed” by the local constabulary for being out of line or doing something illegal and now cries foul. Wah, here’s the world’s smallest fiddle playing just for you.
I watched the G20, and there was nothing wrong with what Blair or the police did, period. Those little…
People are getting way out of line with alleged police brutality in Canada.
Wow. So much urine and, vinegar in the corn flakes. While i’m stil digesting that, I can’t decide what’s cuter, Jason Torchinsky’s Superman-esque curl or Kirsten Lee.
Instead of trying the meet standards that will have a negligible impact, wouldn’t it be easier to regulate human breeding to reduce the population to sustainable levels?
Oh god, no. Seat Cupra’s are go to choice of low class trash in Spain. Usually reserved for people with tribal tattoo’s, and names like er Kevin de (insert trashy neighbourhood of choice)
This deserves all the stars.
Can confirm, Canada has too many dicks on the dance floor.
They´re both not good, but for me animal abuse is far worse than rape. People don´t get much sympathy from me.
I can accept rape and mistreatment of other human beings. It’s part and parcel of being human, but I cannot tolerate the mistreatment of animals. Only a scumbag mistreats an animal.
I always make sure to flush my last deuce, and all the towels i’ve masturbated in, are neatly folded and go into the tub or shower.
Most BMW owners don’t know or care if their car is front wheel or rear wheel drive. Hell, they don’t even know where the turn signal stalk is.
So where in all of this is responsible breeding, and reducing birth rates for both the west and most especially for developing countries. You can have your pie and eat it too but only if there are less of us around, but not if there are more.
Crock of shit, there’s nothing wrong with the 996/Boxster interior. It’s simple, easy to navigate and never felt cheap to me. You want to know what a cheap interior looks and feels like, try a Daewoo Lanos, Rover 25 or an E36.