Here’s what I read: Fred’s parents are offering to buy him a sedan worth up to $75k, IF he comes to visit them at least once a week for the next five years. After five years, they will turn over the title of the sedan to Fred - it is then his to do with whatever he wants....
I’m confused by this “commute” of 200+ miles. It doesn’t sound like it’s a daily thing if it’s just to see his parents, so I think the eating of 52k/year is probably high. That said, the idea that anything would depreciate so little over five years (notwithstanding M Streeter’s clever math) is unrealistic.
Sounds like the only question is “what’s the fastest way to depreciate the most?”, then.
Luxury cruiser that won’t depreciate = luxury cruiser whose depreciation is already done.
Fats that solidify are the problem; a few tablespoons of oil won’t cause any harm.
You almost nailed what I want, ventilated seats, large lumbar support range AND more telescoping to the steering wheel. I have long legs and slightly short arms so I’m always compromising on leg support or stretching slightly more than I want to move the wheel. I haven’t found a car that includes a manual and all of…
What a load of horseshit.
The US has indoctrinated its cititzenry against socialism to such a degree that the fringes use the term as a synonym for everything from kleptocracy through to zionist-paedophile-cabal.
“Oh you never hear about the bad things in socialism...” - oh, apart from the mountain of logical fallacies…
Why not look at the Kia Soul?
Used to live down the street from a beach themed bar that served mind blowing Painkillers. Had to learn the recipe myself after moving away. It has served me well, and is now tied with my other favorite summer cocktail, the Dark ‘n Stormy:
Grow your own.
Yeah, not all hybrids are non-viable, most simply won’t turn out “true to type” meaning it won’t be the same as what it came from.
Someday, you or someone you care about be in a situation where they need a little more consideration and compassion from their fellow humans. When that happens your best hope will be that the people around you & them have better takes than this.
You’re wrong.
shut up
Just show us the damn cars. They’re Kias, not Paganis. Nobody is going to be shifting around in their seat getting sweaty palms and stomach butterflies waiting to see what a Kia looks like, we just want to know which one will hold our expected volume of Costco shopping.
the problem with the Niro is the body size, I’ve become too attached to the stubby body of the Soul, being able to park in spots that full length cars cannot has been an amazing asset when dealing with the terrible drivers that the US has on the roads.
I’m still waiting on the Soul EV they were supposed to release last year. It looked good and it sounded even better on paper. give me my electric toaster dammit!