
Yup. His first cut of Star Wars is legendarily bad and had to be rescued by someone who knew what the hell they were doing.

Definitely on Dupont (they had an overhead establishing shot in this episode) and I believe it is actually called Dupont Travel Agency.

I've forgot pretty much all of my Russian but I picked up elements like please don't worry or let it affect your important work.

Trailer. Looks pretty bonkers:

Almost looked like he recognized the pen Gaad used is a recording device.

Holy crap I thought you were joking, but its true. What a train wreck (and I have a very high tolerance for marginal sci-fi).

No love for John From Cincinnati?

I work in a 125 year old gub'ment building that is littered with room sized vaults. They are impossible to remove so are all now file rooms with big giant-ass vault doors.

Wonder if it was Mantzoukas or a P&R writer that is a Stern fan.

You needed Wikipedia for that? Get off my lawn.

I'm seeing quadruple, sixteen Kristen Schaals!

If you are ever in desperate straights, I would like to buy that form you at less than market value.

Woah, that escalated quickly.

Yup, that's the "Alan Smithee" version that the studio put together for Home Video/TV, not Lynch's cut.

Shut up bleck.

Awesome. Thanks for the tip.

Thanks for posting that. Didn't know it was available and will be listening to it tonight.

Bah, why did they have to choose the worst venue in all of SLC.

It's like poetry, they rhyme.

Can't wait for the GoT/PoTC crossover.