
Found the 93 year old Nazi, fellas!

No, I haven’t. My fiance swears by Jerry’s Ford, but they aren’t getting any Raptor slots

Yeah, I think I am done with Koons. My folks live up near Lancaster, Pa. I may just go up there and see what I can find

Seriously? Sheesh, even with the cost of a ticket or an 8 hour drive, that would be worth it

I don’t have a lot of hope that it will happen, but those old online composite pics showing what a Bronco Raptor would look like always have stuck in the back of my head. If they did offer one, I would jump on it in a heartbeat.
I had to look up what a Ford Everest was, but good lord, if that’s the Bronco coming, then

The appeal, at least, what I am interested in, is the slightly better gas mileage and the 500 lbs weight loss. Not interested enough to pay what they are asking right now, but interested nonetheless.

You aren’t wrong, though, and that’s why I am thinking of just holding on to this one for longer.

Where did he go, out of curiosity? KBB puts the value of the 2012 fully loaded raptor around 38 to 42, if I recall correctly. The dealership first offered me 32 for a trade in, but then upped that to 37,5. Still, turned it down. I am curious to see if those offers go up at all

Thanks for the confirmation. The resale value for the 6.2L Raptors is still fairly high, even for my 12. I figure, if there’s any chance the new V6 isn’t a big hit, the Raptor’s with the V8s will go up in value a little. Or not. Just a guess, really.

Also, there is a part of me that has hopes for a Bronco Raptor

I’m having this issue with the new 2017 Raptor. The only dealership near me here that has pre-order slots for them, Koons Ford, is slapping a 15,000$ dealership markup on them.

I refuse to pay 15K on top of what they sticker for. It’s just not worth that to me. I would gladly pay MSRP though, but yeah...

Any ideas? I

Bored at work and the article showed up in the “recommended articles” up on the left there and, really, who am I to say no to a recommendation from the internet?

Anna, kind of curious here, what made you pick this cruise with these conspiracy folks on it to attend? Did you have a choice of other events they threw and this one just seemed like a winner? How does one even really hear about these types of things?

Also, kudos for going through with it. I don’t know if I could have

and may he never stop putting too much effort into it.

I usually go for white\black mix, but that dark blue is kind of nice. I like it

Former US Army soldier here. I don’t find what Kaepernick is doing disrespectful in any way. I think it shows how great this country is, actually. I think it’s great that in this country he has the freedom to protest something he disagrees with, in public, in many different ways, without fear of repercussion from

I feel like this may be giving the hacker(s) more credit than they deserve. I could be wrong here, but I doubt they gave it even half that much thought. I’m guessing they just saw a target that would get tons of visibility, or a target that would, in their hack, get a huge amount of reaction from the internet.
I doubt

You and me both, friend

I currently have a 2012 with the 6.2 V8 and I am on the fence about getting a new 17 when they come out. I want to know if it will still have any kind of growl to it. I love the way mine rumbles

I’m intrigued, but not yet excited. I loved my Wii, but never found a reason to buy the Wii U. Not holding my breath...yet