
Sometimes I'm blown away at how people will freak out and slow down while a cop is on the side of the road, lights on, in the middle of writing a ticket. Trust me, he is not going to notice or care that you were 10mph over and rush from his current perp to pull you over. Unless you are doing ludicrous speed, hes

When you lock out at the top of the movement it takes the pressure of the muscle. Those kind of half reps eliminate that. But there's also something to be said for getting the full range of movement so he's just getting the best of both worlds.

Didn't we already get the answer to this?

The cow is perfectly fine. He was checked out on the sidelines and was back in the next series.

The bottom eight are nothing but the sorry teams that comprise the NFC South and the AFC South, respectively.

small quibble, "road rage" implies losing it over some trivial driving faux pas. Someone rear-ending you at a stop light is grounds for maximum apeshit fury.

Did somebody come up to him and hug him? Otherwise I'm picturing this as being terribly awkward.

and then in 1986 when they reported that the snow had overtaken Len Bias.

But then he hit up a prostitute and got back to full health.

How do you get to 5 stars and then get caught on the freeway?

"Fuck that thug Richard Sherman. All he does is talk trash. He has no class." - Boston sports fans

Bird shot an absurd 81.8 percent from the field

Gronk didn't sign it, he wrote "Get back to me when you're at least a C cup." and then he returned it. He had bigger fish to fry.

Great news! Not just for his football career, but it also gives him a platform for his new public awareness campaign aimed at teenage victims of bullying and hazing. It's called "It Gets Worse."

I tend to think it's idiot alpha male/power culture more than football. There's just a high correlation of Alphas (socially or physically powerful) in football.

I think it makes sense that the government would kill 27 people in a small town to prove a point about guns, but refuse to fudge numbers on a spreadsheet. They gotta draw the line somewhere.

Wait? There are Sandy Hook truthers?

"In the summer of 1976, Bruce Jenner was just about the biggest athlete in America."