
The fact Elizabeth Berkley looks EXACTLY the same as she did 22 years ago in that outfit is stunning.

Did Belding eat Screech & Lisa?

"He may be shy"

"She said, 'I'm Anna, we're the Armstrongs, my husband's Lance, he was just driving maybe too fast around the corner or something, and...well...he just doesn't have the balls to come tell you himself,'" the man told police, according to the reports.

If I were in front of a camera while that happened I would have totally made it a point to immediately check on the person to see if they're okay (even though it looked very minor) so then I could watch the video later and jerk off to all of the "what a class act" posts I would accumulate.

Still only half as cruel as what the Seahawks coaches did to their players at the end of last night.

Give Seattle credit. As the defending champion heel, they tried to get DQ'd at the end and keep the title belt. Flair would be proud.

Listed as "doubtful". I'd hate to see what " out" looks like.

I really HATE the Patriots (being a colts fan and all). I will be sooo happy when this Patriots era bullshit is over. We all know it is coming sooner than later.

that ad genuinely makes me pissed off. I fail to see how victims of DV are helped in any way, shape or form by that british chick from 'Girls' mugging for the camera and act-sobbing like a dipshit.

Gronk or Lynch will decide this game.

TL;DR version: Why I'm choosing not to watch the Super Bowl for the first time in 34 years.

This comment was bull.

Due to the statute of limitations, Montag is only eligible to be charged with crimes that occurred after July 1st, 1996

Better late than never, and most definitely should've posted this story sooner but here it goes. I do promise this will make you smile.

I spent an incredibly surreal Father's Day dinner seated with my parents at a table next to OJ Simpson, his older daughter, the two kids he had with Nicole Brown, his mother, and some girlfriend that was probably younger than his oldest daughter.

Watch out, Peter, that's always a lie.

45. [Privately, to Peter King] "I won't come in your mouth."

Force = Acceleration x UMass