
And with those health issues come debt. Wouldn't be surprised to hear about that being a factor as well.

Well I happen to think its important information and all these other commenters are assholes. And yes, for the record, I care more about animals than people.

This reminds me of the wonderful animated short video Tsunami, about a Japanese fisherman returning to his flooded home after a tsunami and trying to help a stranded water spirit there:

He has priors which include assaulting a person 65 and older? Now this? Someone needs to keep him the fuck away from those kids!

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Sexism is real. I’ve never suggested otherwise. Try again.

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

Jon Stewart would never do a bit like this because he had a sense of empathy and a basic respect for humanity. It’s why he never seemed to be punching down — even when he brutally took people to task. He always made sure he was making fun of people for the right reasons.

THANK YOU. Not a smart woman. Except in self-promotion. The semi-informed garbage she spews is no way in hell that of an intelligent, well educated (self educated/informed is fine with me) woman!


THANK YOU. I’ve seen her show a few times, when I’m home sick (I don’t have cable and get only 3 channels). Never again. She’s not smart, she’s not perceptive, she’s not insightful, she just gossips and makes superficial, ignorant comments - most of which are for the benefit of her white audience members.

She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.

You rang?

As you can see, they have stage 4 affluenza. Their chances of recovery are basically zero.

I'd be OK with guillotine............. Just say'in:/

i’m a pacifist but i felt some legit french revolution stirrings upon viewing the instagram account of this modern-day dandy.

Hey you know what fuck you

Several European countries have different scheduling methods, there is no problem with debating it. When fanatics get involved all reasonable and scientific process gets trampled by the political.

And if you want them a little on the crispy and not as bitter side, salt them after spiralizing and pat them dry.
