
I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.

I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.

There was an email about how they should use Sanders’ lack of religion against him in the Southern state saying that, “My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

Also, you would hope that the Democratic Party would be on the side of “who gives a fuck if he’s an atheist- will he be a good leader”. You can be a Christian shitheel, and atheists can be good people, but this is casting him as “sneaky Jewish man who really doesn’t believe in anything, ooh look at the heathen!” for a

I mean look, I also think this leak that is mostly a tempest in a teapot, but let’s not pretend that Bernie Sanders was “an unknown politician.” Everyone at the DNC knew very well who he was and the person who wrote that specific email about trying to cast him as an atheist has already apologized and agreed it was

As a resident of Virginia, it looks like I’m free to vote for Jill Stein now, seeing as how Hillary no longer requires my vote in this state

eh, I use it everytime my sister sends me a dumb text so like, I use it on a daily basis.

Maybe I’m broken, but watching/hearing other people kiss under any circumstance makes me want to shuck my skin and run sinewy and dripping into the night never to return to a human-like form. If I were to hit play on this I don’t think I could control my body.

$40 million? I consider myself annoying, but nobody has ever paid me even five figures to go away. Lots of times going away has cost me money.

Holy shit you really don’t know how electoral maps work do you?

Kind of? The twit has kept her seat uncontested since the mid 90s and now that she actually has to face an opponent, she whines that people are out to get her.

Not just “kind of”. She does.

She needs to go just for getting in bed with the parasites in the payday-loan industry.

ok but

I’m sure his wife can help him.

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

Well that un-rapes dozens of women.

I have keratoconus in my right eye and am legally blind in it. WOO.

If you can’t see what’s so sexy about what’s going on here, I do pity you.