
The (former) Gawker and its sites have pretty consistently put forth a message that wealthy people are evil. The notable exceptions are wealthy celebrities that espouse liberal views, regardless of whether said celebrities do more than just talk about the issues or not.

That’s fine since it’s their prerogative to have

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

Just to be clear: Mayweather has physically beaten women. Caused actual damage to women with his fists (as a champion boxer!).

holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.

Wow you’re super defensive about GTAO

Doesnt seem like you do. Grind to get this in game currency or pay $20 for in game currency is monetization. It’s not required or forced. But it is incentivized.

That is more to ask of people than I think you realize.

It’s disappointing that one of the greatest games ever made has no real DLC because morons keep shelling out money for imaginary status on a buggy, unnecessary online mode.

If you are able to spend real money on in game currency, that by definition, is monetization. Stay in school.

Right, because earning 7k per heist or any other activity is reasonable for other activities that require a massive investment. The tuning they’ve done over the years points to pushing people to buy shark cards.

GTA Online is garbage.

In order to do this you will have to be in a public lobby and invest over 1.5million per attempt. Want a shark card?

Oh cool the alien mystery of GTA V Has been sol -GTA Online - FUCK.

I was waiting for it on Switch, where, if it’s any good I shall buy is again, hell, I own Binding of Isaac on 7 different systems.

Disclaimer: I’m obviously not blaming Kathy Griffin for this.

What benefits are conveyed to those with schizophrenia? Because he didn’t have asperger’s. He had schizophrenia.

Eh, no one gives a shit about them. This game will sell fine in spite of the perennially triggered.

You are clearly guilty of wrongthink. Don’t you know it’s current year?

You people, you fucking people, killed this industry. You kill diversity in the name of “Diversity”, you exclude in the name of “Inclusion”. Now I know for sure my twitter history will be dug thru in lieu of the quality of my projects. This is a mood killer for me and just... thanks. Thanks for letting me know my