
You seem fun.

I had to look it up but the Targaryan kids are the product of incest, which I didn't realise was an ongoing family tradition.

Why didn't he inherit the white hair?

I know it's fantasy and not science, but dwarfism (Achondroplasia) is a dominant trait, so it's very unlikely Cersci & Jamie would have a dwarf as they're not carriers. New cases (like Tyrion's) arise from 'fresh' mutations in the FGFR3 gene. The dominance explains why two dwarf parents can still have a normal child

I want them to be the eventual King & Queens of the Seven Eight* Kingdoms.

I bet they packed some. Gotta leave some surprises.

I thought it said "your faithful sister, Sansa", and was a note to Robb.

That hammer is comical. The Mountain could barely swing it, let alone control it.

Is that you in the Tebow jersey?

Which parts did he think were more important?

It's the daily doodle on Hooli.

Perfect casting though.

God damn I'm hungry now.

There's a good one in Ottawa. Not 2 for 99c good, more hipster than Hispanic, but tasty none the less.

The Colonel hasn't replied to my repeated Triple Down dares yet.

It literally prevents cancer.

The one on the far left that looks like Courtney Love?

Having Biggy murdered to promote the album was a little harsh though.

You seem fun!

Oh, so now I should take grammar advice too? Yeah, right!