
Are you trying to tell me that gleening legal advice from The A.V. Club may not be sound life strategy?

In Australia you can get McD's Curry Sauce, which is amazing on nuggets. Or at least you used to be able to get it, it's been a while.

I'm totally going to go back and look for that. Thanks for the heads-up!

Speaking of outrageous prices, what do the Lips of Faith beers go for down there? I just saw one here last night…for $32.

A two-thumbed monster?


I would drink a lot more Fat Tire but it's nearly $20 a sixpack up here.

The music industry should do the same thing, so we can finally know what's really "punk".

Well, no, because the Targaryens no longer have a claim to rule. Gendry is the only 'known' heir to the Baratheon's throne.

It's the only time I've ever wanted to punch a book in the face.

Thanks. The wolf head hilt is just coincidence then?

I'm betting the dragons will facilitate the reveal.

Worst. Book. Ever.

What is the origin of Jon's sword? You just reminded me it wasn't Ned's.

Driving through the Canadian Prairies: "Hey! That guy has a whole herd of horses running arou…oh."

I'm still trying to figure ot if "smashing" is a verb or an adjective, in regards to pumpkins.

…and a woman.

You mean the legendary deadly Sand Snakes who all died the first time they actually fought anyone?

March 31st! Last day of the Canadian Pubic Service Fiscal Year! They can't possibly be that cheeky…