
It seems to have had a major marketing push up here in Canada recently.

I say it the same way a New Zealander says "Geoff".

If you shake a martini it's a "Bradford".

It's all they could squeeze out of them before they succumbed to their diabetic comas.

Such a great video.

"It stems from the business taking its commission from the cost of each ride prior to deducting sales tax"

Between this asshole and the Travago douche I'm pretty close to giving up on tv altogether.

"Oh, did I say there was only one Special Edition?!"

I still feel awful for laughing at that.

Tail; Deer.

Remember kids, if you're gonna do the ol' stranglewank make sure it's with a buddy.

I always hope that my downvotes result in the AVC staff reporting these poor hijacked accounts to Disqus, so their miserable purgatory can be ended.

I've never felt older than when I realised the kids in the Nirvana shirts on the local college campus weren't even alive when Cobain died.

Even reading your comment referencing that scene a quarter century after I saw it still made my skin crawl. So great.

!niaga yrtsap s'tI

So he's single, eh? Surprising.

I heard this the other day, but I think we now all know that there are no aliens, as there's no way this guy wouldn't have spilled the beans by now.

Square boxes are easy to flat-pack proir to folding them into the end shape. I imagine round boxes need to be shipped in their final shape meaning they using 3-4 times more space per box and cost way more to ship.

Did they buy LG by any chance? Their predictive text used to be just terrible.

The fact that you feel this way makes me sad.